Sunday, November 4, 2007

Who Moved?

Psalm 10:1 "Why, O Lord, do You stand far off?  Why do You hide yourself in times of trouble?"

When I opened my Bible to this verse today I knew it was the right verse...just yesterday I had read an unknown quote that made me knowingly smile, "If God seems far away, guess who moved?"  Yup, we need to look back at ourselves and we'll realize we are the one who needs to come back to God because if we look deep into our hearts we'll know that He never left us to begin with!

Dear Lord, I know I've stumbled and strayed more often than I can count on two hands.  I know that if You seem far away then it is I who have been putting that distance between us.  Please help me to stay close to You, ever dwelling in Your comforting presence.  Amen.

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