Sunday, November 25, 2007

God Forgives

Ezra 9:6 "and prayed "O my God, I am too ashamed and disgraced to lift up my face to you, my God because our sins are higher than our heads and our guilt has reached the heavens.""
Normally my verses are all the warm fuzzy, lift your spirit and serve God with all your spirit kind...however, we cannot neglect to remember that we do sin and fall short and there are times when we must bow our heads to the ground for our shame keeps us from God.  Here is the good news in remembering verses such as this...God forgives!  He wants to hear our apologies and then He wipes us clean once again!!
Dear God, Thank You for Your promise of forgiveness!  I know I am not perfect and that on my own I fall short of Your glory.  Please forgive me all of my sins and wash me clean through the power of the blood of the Lamb!  Help me to always remember it is by Your grace alone that I am forgiven and for this I shall rejoice and praise Your name so long as I have breath!  Amen.

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