I Chronicles 29:14 "14 "But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand."
It is a very hard concept for some to let go of the idea of "mine." This world makes us look at everything as "mine," possessions, jobs, maybe even people! But we would have nothing if not by the grace of God. Everything is His - we are His servants charged with taking care of it, His stewards who are sent to help His kingdom grow. It is amazing the transformation that happens within when you pray your way to this way of thinking and believing!
Dear Lord, Thank You for all that You have entrusted to me! Please help me to always remember that none of it is mine, it is all Yours and that I am merely caring for it until You determine it should be released. Amen.
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