Friday, April 18, 2008

We Are His Sheep

Ezekiel 34:11 "For this is what the Sovereign Lord says, I myself will search for My sheep and look after them."
I'm having one of my "whoa" moments again!  Our God loves us so much that not only did He send His only Son to die so we may be saved, not only has our Father given us this salvation for free through repentance and if that weren't enough He is out there searching for you and me!  When we stray from His path He is searching for us and when we are steady on His path God is looking out for us every step along the way!!  I don't know about you but this blows my mind and gives me great comfort.
Dear Lord,  Wow!  Thank You so much for everything You do, thank You for searching for me and bringing me back to where You can look after me when I've strayed.  Please help me to feel the magnitude of this love in my soul and cherish it forever.  Amen.  

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